2020.08: |
Paper published in Systematic Biology! In short, Kwaku Aduse-Poku used a spectacular butterfly radiation to evaluate the drivers of diversification in Africa! Click here to read more!
2020.07: |
Kicking off my project in the Zuest-lab with the collection of many wild populations of diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella). In particularly love visiting the exciting SoLaWi (solidarity-based agriculture) projects that are running across the country!
2020.06: |
Paper published in Evolution! For her PhD, Yara Rodrigues investigated the effects of day-night temperature fluctuations on different thermally plastic traits in Bicyclus anynana. We find both additive and non-additive effects of temperature fluctuations and show that day and night warming can potentially break up adaptive correlations between traits. Click here to read more!
2020.05: |
Working remotely from my 'second home' on the Iberian Peninsula!
2021.04: |
Organising and analysing the long-term powdery mildew data from Åland!
2021.03: |
Super excited to be joining the newly established Zuest-lab at the Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany in Zurich next June! Tobias Zuest studies the evolution of chemical diversity in Erysimum plant species and within the context of his ERC-Starting Grant I will explore the evolutionary consequences of novel plant defences for herbivorous insects.
2021.02: |
Grant and job applications, and reviewed manuscripts for Proceedings B and Evolution.
Assisted in a MSc course on Plant Adaptation at the University of Zurich with Anna-Liisa Laine (et al.) |
2021.01: |
The Glanville fritillary butterfly genome (v.2) has been made available on bioRxiv! It can be found here and we welcome comments and suggestions!
2020.12: |
The work of my master student Nadja Verspagen published in Proceedings B! In short, Nadja demonstrated that host-specific growth rates vary strongly across families of the Glanville fritillary butterfly. This may have important implications for the evolution of host specialization in heterogeneous environments! Click here to read more!
2020.11: |
Paper published in PNAS! In short, Oskar Brattström showed that eyespot morphology is constrained by developmental processes in Mycalesina butterflies but a release from this bias in a Malagasy genus leads to a wild exploration of morphospace. Click here to read more!
2020.10: |
Paper published in Ecology letters! In short, work led by Shridar Halali revealed the convergent evolution of a faster pace-of-life in response to increased seasonality across three radiations of tropical butterflies. Click here to read more!
2020.09: |
Writing and revising manuscripts.
2020.08: |
Crunching numbers and making figures.
2020.07: |
Paper published in Evolutionary Ecology! In short, work led by Pragya Singh reveals complex interactive effects of two environmental variables in a model for seasonal plasticity. Click here to read more!
2020.05: |
Oskar Brattström made his manuscript on the role of developmental bias in the evolution of eyespot colour-composition available on bioRxiv. It can be found here and we welcome comments and suggestions!
2020.04: |
Started working on a collaborative project between the Laine-lab in Zurich and the Saastamoinen-lab in Helsinki.
Our work on the effect of summer drought on the predictability of local extinctions in a metapopulation was accepted for publication in Conservation Biology. |
2020.03: |
Presented my research at the Nordic Oikos conference in Reykjavík, Iceland.
2020.02: |
Presented my research at the Swiss Annual Meeting of Organismal Biology in Fribourg, Switzerland.
2020.01: |
Crunching numbers and conference preparations.
2019.12: |
Our collaborative effort to describe the consequences of an extreme summer drought on the M. cinxia metapopulation is now available on bioRxiv. It can be found here and comments and suggestions are appreciated!
Reviewed a manuscript for Functional Ecology. |
2019.10: |
Joined the Laine-lab at the University of Zurich, Switzerland as a part-time academic visitor, and am excited to learn more about the cool work done here on the ecology and evolution of species interactions!
Annual meeting of Research Centre for Ecological Change (REC) at Tvärminne Zoological Station. Reviewed a manuscript for Proceedings B. |
2019.09: |
Pragya Singh (now at University of Basel), who conducted parts of her MSc studies at our group in Cambridge, made her manuscript on developmental plasticity in multivariate environments available on bioRxiv. It can be found here and we welcome comments and suggestions!
2019.08: |
Poster presentation about my research at the European Society for Evolutionary Biology meeting in Turku.
2019.07: |
Collecting the final data points at Lammi Biological Station.
Conclusion: when it comes to experimental work, plants tend to be more collaborative than insects. |
2019.06: |
Studying inter-specific variation in host plant drought tolerance and recovery at Lammi Biological Station.
Reviewed a manuscript for PlosOne. |
2019.05: |
Crunching numbers and designing experiments.
2019.04: |
Paper published in Evolution Letters! In short, Patrícia Beldade and I found that browner butterflies have stronger preferences for brown resting backgrounds. Click here to read more about the the integration of developmental plasticity for morphological and behavioural traits in Bicyclus anynana butterflies.
2019.03: |
Dusted off some of my PhD chapters and travelled to the University of Michigan to speak at their 15th Early Career Scientist Symposium. Very exiting to hear about the diversity of projects in ecology, evolution, and conservation making use of stable isotopes to address research questions.
2019.02: |
Nadja Verspagen (Erasmus+) started her MSc thesis on intraspecific variation and multidimensional plasticity in the Glanville fritillary butterfly in our group! Looking forward to work with her for the next six months!
Presented ongoing research at the The Revolution meeting of the Department of Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University. |
2019.01: |
Crunching numbers and reviewed a manuscript for Ecological Entomology.
2018.12: |
We started the manual annotation phase of the The Glanville fritillary butterfly genome (v.2)!
2018.11: |
Planning research to be conducted while at Helsinki, and organising the long-term ecological data available.
2018.10: |
Started as postdoctoral researcher in the life-history evolution group at Helsinki University! Excited to be working with Marjo Saastamoinen (et. al) on temporal variation in host use in the Glanville fritillary butterfly metapopulation.
2018.09: |
Travelled to the Åland Islands to contribute to the 25th autumn survey of the Glanville fritillary butterfly metapopulation.
Submitted a digest of Kemp et al. (2018) to Evolution in the form of a short memoir of our time with The Guppy Project in the Northern Range Mountains of Trinidad. Read it here! |
2018.08: |
Presented my research at the 2nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montpellier, France
2018.07: |
The work of my master student Andrew Balmer published in Oikos! In short, we demonstrate that seasonal polyphenism extends to secondary sexual traits in mycalesine butterflies, with more investment in pheromone production in environments that favour fast reproduction. Read more here!
2018.06: |
Back in Europe after a quest of getting acquainted with the biodiversity of the Neotropics, including volunteering with The Guppy Project in Trinidad for three months.